Actors Needed! Help Make our Grave Walk a Success

Immerse yourself in the rich local history of St. Charles! Help portray local community figures and tell in short monologues about their lives, their joys, their sorrows, and their loves. Participants will visit their actual grave sites located in North Cemetery.

We need actors for our nighttime Grave Reminders Walk presented in partnership with the St. Charles Park District on October 23rd from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Social distancing and safety precautions will be in place for the event.

Actors are encouraged to attend a training session at the museum on Friday Oct. 9 at 1 p.m.

We need you to help tell these stories and bring these individuals back to life! We are now recruiting actors to help portray these important St. Charles figures. We will provide you with a script, background information, and costumes.

Choose from among the following individuals to portray:

  • Alice Davis (1883-1966) - Teacher and Town Historian

  • Helen Munhall (1893-1983) - Teacher

  • Lieutenant John Farrell Elliot (1878-1966) - Civil War Soldier

  • Dr. Charles A. Potter (1878-1966) - Physician and Chief of Staff of STC City Hospital

  • Emma Lake (1874-1932) - WWI Red Cross Nurse

  • Dean Ferson (1810-1892) - Early St. Charles Settler

  • Prudence Ward Ferson (1812-1902) - Wife of Dean Ferson

  • John F. Farnsworth (1820-1900) Congressman and Civil War General

  • Lina Paschal (1858-1956) - Editor of the Valley Chronicle

  • Dr. Ival G. Langum (1877-1953) - Doctor and Mayor of St. Charles

  • Harriet Luckett Harris (1898-1984) - Great Granddaughter of Underground Railroad Freedom Seeker Joanna Gardner and Foster Mother

  • Edward Best AKA Maro the Magician (1868-1908) - Magician and Musician

  • Stevens Sanborn Jones - Town Attorney and Spiritualist

  • Bela Hunt (1812-1908) - Early St. Charles Settler and Businessman

  • Caroline Howard (1811- 1890) - Medium CLAIMED

  • Charles Haines (1844-1914) - Businessman, Mayor, and School Board President CLAIMED

  • Dr. Horace C. Gillette (1806-1878) - Doctor

  • John Brown (1832-1915) - Businessman and Farmer

  • Lorenzo Ward (1822-1890) - Businessman and Farmer

  • Vera Rockwell (1890-1972) - Teacher and Girl Scout Leader

  • Beatrice Amenoff (1911-1995) - Wife of Mayor CV Amenoff

  • Charles Caustin (1852-1931) - Speed Walker CLAIMED

  • Lucy Kaiser Whipple - Civil. War Nurse CLAIMED

  • Emma Durant Lane (1852-1922) - Teacher

  • Charles Lindsay III (1903-1983) - Master Fox Hunter

  • Dickie Burchell (1854-1863) - Son of Hotel owner Peter Burchell, the First Hotel in St. Charles

  • Samuel Durant (1827-1891) - Civil War Soldier and First Historian of St. Charles.

  • Frank Underwood (1860-1957) - Carpenter and Collector of Curiosities, started the St. Charles History Museum

  • Amelia Anderson (1876-1963) - School Nurse

  • Alice Berg Johnson (1885-1968) - Titanic Survivor CLAIMED

If you are interested in becoming an actor, please email us at or call (630) 584-6967.