Your Best Fall Memories

During the run of our recent exhibit Garden Gods: Scarecrows From Athens to Oz, we asked Museum visitors to tell us about their favorite fall memories. We got a lot of great responses and would like to share some of our favorites with all of you.

"The smell of burning leaves which is, alas, no longer legal." - Anonymous

"What I love about fall is the cooler air, and the change in the leaves. Also getting to wear sweaters and drink warm drinks." - Dalynn Jiger, OK City, Oklahoma

"I love the colors, and the wonderful smells, that go with fall! Like pumpkins!" - Anonymous

"Family time playing in [the] leaves." - Anonymous

"When I was in 8th grade, my mom and I went to a pumpkin farm. I got the biggest one there! 45 pounds of pumkin-y glory :) We also saw a magic show that day and a llama sneezed in my face... ah, memories. The best part of it all was spending time with my mom. She is generous and loving and to this day is a blast to hang out with." - Lizzy Kuhn, 21, St. Charles

"I love the color of the leaves." - Anonymous

"Beauty of natures comes alive." - Anonymous

And as you might have already seen on our Facebook page earlier this month:

"Tell May Ray Gavin Harshberger had a good visit here." - presumably Ray Gavin Harshberger

Let us know in the comments what some of your favorite fall memories are!