Make some personal history…
Let’s get out and DO SOMETHING! Join us in a virtual 5K race. Run/Walk at your own pace and on your schedule. Even use your own route! More details to come, including a suggested HISTORIC 5K ROUTE MAP.
*Special tours may be scheduled ahead of time for any day of the week, including Monday
Your City. Your History. Your Sense of Community.
The Museum welcomes participation in all activities by individuals with disabilities and special needs by working cooperatively with the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association. The Museum is committed to inclusion by providing public programs in the most integrated setting, providing to the maximum extent feasible for interaction between people with and without disabilities.
If you or a household member has a special need or request for reasonable accommodation in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, please contact us at least one week in advance of an activity, program, or visit date. For more details, call 630-584-6967.